The 'I' of the phrase varies permanently

martes, junio 29, 2021

The 'I' of the phrase varies permanently. Attention to change not noticed. And that's it. And never. Street, loneliness. Hush, the steps. Voice ulcers. When they are written. The mid-flight birds. Each sentence seems the description of each image or line of the painting. In the open corner, wood. In the future, moth. However, work of art. Or your intention. At least its horizon. No time when it's time for the world. It will continue to mark time even though it collapses. Horse of time. Time tree. A fleet of rivers of meat. A fleet of rivers of words. Skinny. Nothing to gnaw on. They no longer wear out because only the black bones of his ancestral corpse remain.

 Sense, then ex-isto as a hypothesis / thesis.

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