Of the tenor I know. Every time. The afternoon. The water falls. That's why. A river of mute gods fosters its banks. Flooded godlands. With our hands to the touch we saw. With our waiting body. Your points of contact. emotion points. predisposed. to our meetings. Of distant rain. From the end of the continent. His taste suddenly out. Suddenly out of my head. In his slow time. Infinite space between points. The dots come with their black heads. The dots run over the space of the pages. Until they turn the sky into water with their agitation.
Have you already forgotten the other from the first donation, Eliseo?
domingo, junio 19, 2022I watched with silence. Like the one who sees without looking. No instrument. With invisible silence. The vegetables of the animals enter the write. Falling into himself. Within the silence not emptied of itself. Accumulating silence in its leaden continent. As love feigns greed. Along paths that intensify the march of the feet. So I sit in the dream. Now the sum of all liquid eyes to see through its fluid transparency. I can't get rid of myself. Nor unravel me. Nor in root constitute myself. Nor fly in the air. In the multiple masks of the absurd. Makes connections with emphasis. In an explosive and mutilated reality. The other one, the other one, the other one is coming! Always the only culprit, because abstract social, of the innocent individual inner experience. The other, the other, the other comes with his intention to reduce us, limit us, coerce us! Have you already forgotten the other from the first donation, Eliseo?
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
When you put with everything inside. Among those here I stand. Here I see you. Take off the loving leaves of the trees. To leave enough breathing holes. From sleeping corners. Who speak the language of dreams. In its beginnings before the common language. Where no one still lives as a subject. In his role as nobody. They talk dreams to each other.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
Mutism wide open in the mouth. In the darkness of its plot. In the perseverance of the mirror. Childish words. It carried several articulated tongues at the root of the pharynx. Shortly before the exit of its segments as prolongations of the viscera. In all places of shelter. He returns the disoriented face without understanding the looks that fall on him. He had an exposed mask.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
Between head head accesses open. A cultivation of the land of blood. The image returned to the mirror. All liquid looking. New and thin. They are possible when you come. From heart and foolishness you come. Such a well-known day of silent heart. That it should not be night. Of the maybe Where the howling disappears. Without knowing what howls they are. Round black. Distress eating. In his entire determination. That does not leave the sky as it was. Not even veneration recognizes it. Ejected by the poison of the mouths that spit their essences of hatred into the air with fresh flowers adorned, rejecting the poisonous smell that surrounds it. Impious, who in their belief to believe, take snatched mythological tongues of fire to burn to ashes the other goodness distilled in clear innocence.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
Dirty metaphors not fit for reading
Hands in hands follow one another without interruption as if it were possible in oblivion to write against the remains invented by the tricks of the mind. They have no doubts like all the doubts that they themselves without shame in their certainty doubt like those that during the iron faith doubt without doubting that the same doubt in its own certainty doubts. That he was having tea at five o'clock in the afternoon in a gloomy little English room like the one where nothing happens in the world that from there moves to the incessant rhythm of the rough seas. They come and go loaded with sails of winds and water from other places whose origins are already unknown to them after dragging hunger for centuries.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
Dirty metaphors not fit for reading
Drop the proper name. Shredding your epidermis. The promiscuity of the contamination of parasitized names. Vulnerable names that fail to install themselves. Their phonemes parasitize by interfering with sounds. The words, birds of prey, captured in the cages of the dictionary definitions take care of the desertion of the causes of the cases or the dissection of the causes of the cases, implies ignored ignorance with a stamp of origin. Until the return of the nests of swallows, they will let themselves be guided, at night, by the sonar of others with wandering customs of spatial representations.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.
Metaphors not suitable for reading
Governs the metamorphosis of silence. Valves are also pressure dependent. Cerci atrophic. Already the aerial long roads. Multichamber trunks. Secretions from a trachea. Spiral elastics. They function simultaneously as unique. Invagination of the ends of the meaning of words and their groupings to restore the continuity of the supposed text. Through its channels, its trades. Robust musculature of the folds of the walls. Twisted paths. Crossed rows join them. Mosaic of partial, broken, defenseless images. Governs the metamorphosis of silence.
Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.