Governs the metamorphosis of silence

miércoles, junio 08, 2022

Metaphors not suitable for reading

Governs the metamorphosis of silence. Valves are also pressure dependent. Cerci atrophic. Already the aerial long roads. Multichamber trunks. Secretions from a trachea. Spiral elastics. They function simultaneously as unique. Invagination of the ends of the meaning of words and their groupings to restore the continuity of the supposed text. Through its channels, its trades. Robust musculature of the folds of the walls. Twisted paths. Crossed rows join them. Mosaic of partial, broken, defenseless images. Governs the metamorphosis of silence.

Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.

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