They take height until the traveling mass words lose, then fall, like spring leaves, the wings lightening the complacent flight

martes, junio 21, 2022

It is like being immobile within the unit. Distort the silence. Of the energy, knowledge and imagination of the body. How to live against aerial gravitation. Clumsiness of the vertical flight in its takeoff of breath. Indifferent to the line of the ground, or earth, support already forgotten by the feet. The journey of the self. The most true. More markings on her substantial waist. Whose faults due to repeated flight. There is no physiological testimony left in documents. Well, it's too picturesque to carry history around your waist. Like all flying creatures with aerostatic elasticity. Those multiple trips. They take height until the traveling mass words lose. From then on, unnecessary to continue the agile flight, the wings fall like spring leaves, lightening the complacent glide.

Autobiographies. Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.

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