Entrust me to the shadows put in silence

sábado, abril 02, 2022

 Entrust me to the shadows put in silence. blooms. In the world. One of you like this. In love beyond. In the firmness of time. A sun that makes a paper boat over outer space. On her growing skin. Your slow tree grows. Del is f. In the adoration of snuggling. Thank you, love, for the dreams of your bed. "Semicara" to wear when appropriate. It is u c. by. Now that you remind me, butterflies carry names on their wings. And they don't continually die. For being, for example, today a good day. For death. N! t. A       . pink. a t in The , I never told you. Yesterday, for example. (Or to take an example.) How do you take freckles as an example. Or something metaphor. oops! So clear. (Smile emoticon.) On your tweets I planted my dreams. With its rapid curves of insistent desires that are almost always frustrated, fled, with the frequent flight of ideas proper to its metonymic structure.

Write en miroir. Palimpseste sur painting. Mirror Sub-Irrealism. Random intratextuality.

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