Soon after delayed by the folds fetishized des yeux bruns profonde et sombres comme des soupçons. By Carlos del Puente

domingo, septiembre 22, 2024

 In a densely forested area in the county basin of zinc for operations the garage contrasted radically with the environment to leave the field for good  whoever he is, would not prevent him from doing the procedures effectively with the magnificent rigor of chance This was the last straw that broke the camel's back some were not delighted, but they were trying to explain the accomplished facts earlier rather in southern Indiana Shortly after retarded over the folds fetishized des yeux bruns profonds et sombres comme des soupçons while humming about the tone of heartburn she took off the complements when leaving the visited houses suddenly he realized the surprising contrast between the body open to all possibilities and the closed face fixed like a carnal obsession And then there were the dreams in contradiction with the thoughts Kokomo city U.S.A return to Oklahoma City, U.S. Route 66, surnommée The Mother Road or Main Street USA, got stuck among the vast fields

By Carlos del Puente 

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