May dreams remind us in the words shadow whose hands were disconnected from the body

jueves, marzo 28, 2024

 Let dreams remind us in the words shadow whose hands were disconnected from the body his vision sinks while the books work towards oblivion si par aventure advenimos concluded advection in the night that precedes the signs heureusement nous dormons profondément in Graham's Place replied Wensley half sleepy while he smiled as if nothing had happened under the sweet effects of his dose of social fentanyl administered by the civil services of social volunteers. What better love than that which comes from the flesh itself! Survint alors an incident with a ghost in Bali time disappeared its records and references C'était un double régard rare sur les même deux yeux pas ses differences physyques mais un régard dans chaque œil des yeux “dis-jumeaux” élevés separés dans des différents origines

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