Carlos del Puente relatos
The long souls as of the streets. Carlos del Puente Stories
martes, febrero 18, 2025The sun had abandoned heaven a long time, leaving behind a cold hug that the streets of the city knew well. In the stillness of the night, a lonely her shed flicked, throwing shadows that danced as silent sentinels along the cobbled roads. The buildings bowed, whispering secrets in the wind, as if shared stories of the souls that once walked down the lands below. Marcel, a young man with a inclination for hats of strange peculiar colors, walked aimlessly through the long and winding streets of that city. His steps resonated as a soft crib song, the only rhythm in the pattern of silence. Each hat that was put reflected a different facet of its personality, a silent testimony of its moods constantly changing. Tonight, he wore a fedora that leaned to the side, a touch of rebellion in the inclination. Marcel's family lived in a picturesque house. His parents, both severe in their own peculiar forms, were the pillars of conformity. They spoke in silent tones, as if the same air could break with the sound of discord. His brothers, four in total, moved as shadows on the periphery of his life, each embodying a portion of normality that he could never digest. His dinner conversations were a tapestry of tacit rules and expectations. The noise of the cutlery was the only allowed music, and the smiles were painted as meticulously as the art that aligned its walls. However, in the middle of the aura of suffocating agreement, a question remained tacit, a seed of doubt planted in Marcel's mind by the absent soul of his lost uncle, Auguste. "Could the souls of the streets themselves (their souls) really be as long as the cement streets looked like?" He often reflected, his thoughts wandered as a lost melody in the middle of the cacophony of his family's world. One night, while the moon played Peekaboo with the clouds, Marcel decided to explore the depths of this surrealist research. He escaped from the townhouse, his accelerated heart with the emotion of the rebellion. The cobblestones became more pronounced under their feet, each whispering stories of the souls on which they had been shaken, their essences leaked in the city's fabric. The buildings spread higher, their facades a canvas for the fantasy of the night, the bright windows with the warmth of the invisible lives. Was there people behind those nocturnal windows under which he walked frequently at night? While wandering, the street lamps began to flash in unison, the shadows playing a symphony of changing shapes. The air became thick with the aroma of the rain that never fell, a mocking promise that hung from the invisible balance. Marcel felt a peculiar kinship with these streets, as if they also had the weight of tacit truths. The souls he sought were not those of the living, but of the lost moments in time, the echoes of laughter and sadness that took long after the people who had felt them had continued. In a sudden revelation, he realized that the long souls of the streets were not confined to the cobbled arteries of the city, but were the very essence of each stone, each brick, every silent corner. They were the whispers of the lovers, the screams of the alborarated children as metal balls of the machines of the games halls; bouncing with the walls; falling from the branches of the trees; Stepped puddles in his constant street games. Grown up already, the sighs of the tired found some comfort in the hug of the night in the fraternal near the family bedrooms. They were the stories not told, until now, by any study or known story: forgotten dreams and tacit confessions that tormented the shadows. Marcel's brothers watched him from the windows of their respective rooms, their faces are a picture of curiosity and concern. Each one had felt the pull of the streets at one time or another, but none had dared to give him a voice. His eyes looked for in his, a silent question hanging in space between them: "Would you be the one who broke the mutism of the spell?" Marcel looked back, his fedora threw him a shadow on his eyes and offered a smile that was as enigmatic as the silenced personal secrets of the souls he was looking for. His heart was beating in advance of what was ahead, a symphony, never touched, of the tacit, ready to be released before the nearby either. The streets became quieter, the whispers of souls called him more deeply in his kingdom. Every step he took was a dance with the unknown, his heart resonated with a frying pace that only he could hear. The disapproval of his family was a distant echo, which vanished in the background as the choir of a forgotten melody. The long souls of the streets called him, and he could feel his weight on his shoulders, on the wide surface of his skin, a load that became heavier with every step that the holiness of his home took away. Marcel's journey took him to the heart of the city, a place where buildings converged as a maze of secrets, each corner containing a frozen memory in time. He ran into a mural, vibrant and alive, who breathed with the energy of a thousand souls. It was a tapestry of the tacit truths of the city, the silent screams and the outdated laugh that painted the streets with invisible color, but Eecute by human hands. While looking at the mural, the souls worried, their whispers grew to a crescendo. The same woven material of reality seemed to tremble, and for a brief and glorious moment, the absurdity of his search made a lot of sense. The souls approached him, his long fingers brushed his skin, leaving cold trails that burned with the fire of a thousand stories. Marcel felt his own soul stretched and materially expanded, as well as to wrap the very essence of the streets he loved so much. The mural began to cry with true tears; Its colors ran through the wall like a river of forgotten emotions. The souls and their whispers turned to the screams of despair. Marcel knew then that he had stumbled with a power that could release them or condemn them to a constrained eternity. With trembling hands, he extended his right hand, the edge of his German Fedora in the non -existent breeze and touched wet painting. At the time his skin made contact, the world around him was bordered. Time folded materially over itself, and souls emerged, a tide of yearning and repentance that threatened to drown him in the tides of his pain. Marcel's mind was a kaleidoscope of images and feelings, each more vivid than the previous ones. He saw the lovers separate, the children playing in the streets and the proud march of the soldiers who were heading to the Ukraine War of the first quarter of the 21st century, with their hearts full of courage and fear, while the courageous mothers fiercely in the Streets struggled to save their young children to the accurate death. The mural was beating with life, the painting revolved like a maelstrom, and was attracted to the heart. The souls spoke to him, his voices a cacophony of whispers that became stronger, his palpable desperation. They begged the liberation of their eternal vigil, for the opportunity to rest and find peace beyond the boundaries of the city that had claimed them for the nearby front of the Mortifera Guerra. Marcel's hand remained firm, the connection between them is a bridge that could not break. The townhouse was put aside, the faces of his family simple spectra in the tumult of his thoughts. Now he understood the weight of his uncle's question, the deep loneliness of the long souls who roamed the streets. They had been set aside for a world that had moved materially too fast, their lost stories in the implacable march of the technological, voracious of rare subjects, progress. Marcel felt a wave of empathy, a kinship with these forgotten spirits, such as the rotten rot in the chopped trenches, which transcended their own existence. With a deep respite, he made his decision. It would be his champion, his voice in a world that had silenced them. He whispered a promise to souls, a vote of releasing them, and while doing so, the mural shuddered. The colors became more vibrant, the most defined figures and the whispers grew in a roar that filled the air. The buildings around them groaned as if they woke up from a long dream, their facades cracked and took off to reveal the true essence below. Marcel took a step back, his hand leaving the mural and the world focused again. The souls remained, his eyes locked themselves in him with a fierce hope that burned like the stars in a moonless sky. He knew he could not abandon them now, not after feeling his pain, not after making them a promise. The way ahead was full of uncertainty, but felt a new purpose in his heart, a rhythm that resonated with the rhythm of the streets. The long souls of the streets had found their champion and, together, would rewrite the history of the city. Every step he took was a declaration of war against silence, a shout of battle for the unprecedented voices of the past. The air was electric in advance, the same cobblestones vibrated with the promise of change. Marcel looked at his family's house again, the now dark and premonitors windows, and knew that he could never return to the life he had met. The townhouse was felt as a prison, a cage built by the same compliance that now sought to dismantle. With a heavy heart, he turned, his fedora emitted a shadow that grew more with every step he took at night. The long souls of the streets sang in harmony, his whispers guided him towards a world where the absurd was the only truth and the only way to free them was to embrace the surreal grace of the liberated spirit. The trip ahead was a maze of challenges and revelations, but Marcel walked with a purpose. He spoke with souls, learning their stories, their hopes and fears. The streets of the city twisted and turned, which took it through a landscape of forgotten moments and lost dreams. Each alley was a memory corridor, every corner a stage for the great play of life. The buildings whispered his secrets, and he heard with attention that bordered the obsession. He discovered that souls were bound by the determinism of their own structure they pursued, trapped in an endless memory cycle. To release them, he had to unravel the threads of the city itself, to tear down the walls that contained them crushed. The night became colder, the thick air with the aroma of the rain that never fell. Marcel's breath clouded before him, a physical manifestation of the change he sought to bring. His brothers observed from the shadows, his curiosity aroused his new resolution. They had also felt the whispers, the call of the streets, but they had never had the courage to respond. The whispers became stronger, more insistent, and Marcel knew that the time had come to act. It would not rest until the souls of the streets were free to wander around the world without binding, their stories resonate over time as the eternal song of the city's heart. His brothers, once shadows of doubt, now followed, drawn by the magnetic attraction of his conviction. Together, they approached the City Council, a monolith of bureaucracy that rose on the city as a silent sentinel. Its doors were guarded by the souls of the forgotten officials, their vacancies and their Alejandro paperwork in the non -existent wind. Marcel took a step forward, his stable voice despite the tremor in his soul. "We have come to speak for the long souls of the streets," he announced to the spectral figures. "They yearned for their launch, so that their stories are counted." The souls of the officials were stirred, their spectral forms extend with the echoes of a thousand forgotten voices. They whispered with each other, a murmur that became a cacophony of agreement. The gates of the hall opened, revealing a camera full of debris of lost moments. Within this camera, the brothers discovered the true scope of the captivity of souls. Thousands of threads, each one a soul, extended from the walls to the base of the city. They woven through the air, a despair and longing tapestry that drowned the room. The brothers looked at the scene with horror, the weight of the pain of the city by pressing them as a tangible force. Marcel reached the tapestry, his hand disappeared in the myriad threads. He felt the anguish of souls, the pain of his undead stories. His brothers observed, his own hearts divided between the safety of the lives they knew and the attraction of the surrealist search in which they had been pushed. Little by little, tentatively, each one approached to grab a thread, joining him in his effort. The threads began to crumble, the souls freed themselves from their prison with a collective sigh that seemed to shake the foundations of the city. The walls of the camera trembled, the floor under them groaned, and the air became thick with the unleashed essence of the streets. The brothers worked tirelessly, the threads slid through their fingers such as the sand, the weight of the pain of souls raising each one released. The city around him began to change. The buildings stretched and changed, their true emerging forms of the boundaries of the mundane. The cobbled streets became soft and flexible, the ground under their feet a canvas for the release of souls. The night became brighter, the stars pierced the veil of heaven to launch their light on the brothers while working. Marcel's parents, attracted by the disturbance that stirred the environment, approached the City Council, their faces have a disbelief mask. They had never understood their son's fascination with the streets, his need to explore the tacit. However, when they saw the transformation, they could not deny the power of their conviction. The brothers stood before them, a united front against the tyranny of silence, and for the first time, the parents felt a spark of something more than the cold hug of conformity. The tapestry of the souls became thinner, the threads a little less. With each soul released, the city gave a sigh of relief, the same air vibrated with the potential of the new beginnings. The brothers worked, as never before, in harmony, their forgotten differences before this greater purpose. They had become the instruments of change, the bearers of a legacy that transcended their own understanding. When the final thread slid through Marcel's fingers, the room exploded in a sound crescendo. The souls of the streets rose to night, their whispers now a symphony that filled the city of life. The City Council collapsed, the threads that had kept it together could no longer contain the enormous and growing energy of the liberated souls. The brothers emerged at dawn, their clothes made, their faces recorded with exhaustion lines. However, his eyes shone with the light of a thousand stars, their hearts swollen with the knowledge of what they had achieved. The long souls of the streets now danced in the air around them, a living testimony of the power of their conviction. The city had changed, altered forever by its rebellion. The buildings stood up, their true revealed forms, and the streets pressed with the vitality of innumerable stories waiting to be told. The family looked at the new world they had created, their hearts swell with pride and fear. Long souls danced around them, a light caleidoscope that painted the sky with its tacit stories. The people of the city woke up with the sound of the symphony, its windows opened to let the music of liberation in. They spilled in the streets, with very open eyes with amazement of transformation. Marcel felt an extended warmth through him, a sense of belonging that had eluded him in the shadow of his family's expectations. The souls that had once been his silent companions now sang out loud, his voices were intertwined with those of life in a choir of hope. His parents, once the referees of his destiny, now looked at him with a mixture of admiration and fear. They had never dreamed of a world where the whispers of the streets could shake the foundations of their orderly existence. However, while seeing their children join, their differences joined in a common cause, they could not avoid feeling the movements of something beautiful. Long souls had brought a new light to the city, a light that set aside the shadows of their rigid lives. Marcel turned to his brothers, each one a mirror of his own courage. They had found their voices in the cacophony of the night, and together they had destroyed silence. The surrealist had become his reality, a world where the absurd was the only truth. They knew that their trip was far from finishing, that long souls would continue to weaving their stories in the city's fabric, but for now, they enjoyed the brightness of their triumph. The sun rose, throwing its golden fingers through the sky, and the souls shut up, retiring to the corners of the city to rest before the symphony of the next night. The brothers walked through the streets, their heads were kept high, the echoes of souls whisper a constant reminder of the responsibility they now had. They were the guardians of the city's secrets, the guardians of the tacit truths. Their lives had been irrevocably changed by the long souls of the streets, their hearts always intertwined with the surrealist. They had become part of the very essence they had tried to free, and in doing so, they had distinguished themselves from the world they had known once. The townhouse, once a prison in conformity, was now like a monument to its challenge, a lighthouse of hope in a world where the absurd was now celebrated. The city, once a labyrinth of silence, now hummed with the whispers of long souls. The brothers moved through the streets, every step is a statement of their new purpose. They had become the champions of the surrealist, the heralds of the tacits. And as they ventured, the whispers became stronger, the most insistent stories, urging them to continue their search. Marcel knew that his battle was just beginning. Long souls had been released, but the world was not yet ready to listen to their stories. However, with his brothers by his side, he felt invincible, ready to face the challenges ahead. They would not rest until all the whispers of the streets were heard by all, until the absurdity of its existence embraced as the vital blood of the city. The brothers dispersed, each taking a corner of the city like his, his eyes and ears open to the souls who needed his help. They became the living legends, which had dared to challenge the status quo. Its history grew with each soul they touched, every thread that crumbled and every wall they knocked down. The long souls of the streets had found their voice, and through them, the brothers had discovered their own. The city was its recess patio, its canvas and its stage. They painted it with the colors of the tacit, filling the air with laughter and tears that had been silenced for so long. The buildings whispered their secrets, and the streets sang their praises. The brothers had become the beat of the city, the rhythm that souls kept alive. However, while they danced with the shadows of the night, the brothers knew that the world outside their city was vast and unknown. They had glimpsed a world where the absurd was feared, where long souls were buried under the layers of concrete and steel. They had to be careful, to choose their battles wisely. Because the souls of the streets had enemies, forces that sought to silence them once again, to replace their symphony with the gift of conformity. Marcel's older sister, Colette, took the historian's mantle. He gathered the whispers of the streets, gathering the tapestry of stories that had been destroyed by time. His eyes grew in size, and his ears in tune with the slightest of the echoes, while looking for the lost narratives that lay hidden in the cracks of the city. His missions took her to the outskirts, where the buildings were young and the restless souls, anxious to be heard. The second brother, Henri, became the artist. He painted the walls with the vibrant stories of long souls, his brushstrokes brought life to the silent whispers. Their murals became more intricate, more alive, with every night. The people of the city stopped to contemplate them, their eyes opened in amazement when they saw the unlisted form. His art became a lighthouse, a visual representation of the cause of the brothers, attracting others to his surreal crusade. The twins, Sophie and Claude, took the stage. They sang the songs on the streets, their voices weaving the night air as the call of some twin sirens tumbas on the humid rocks. They gave souls a melody, a rhythm that resonated in the hearts of the listeners. The theaters once silent, now resonated with the laugh and sadness of long souls, and the people of the city gathered to listen to their stories, to share their joy and pain. His performances became rituals, a communion of how absurd the brothers' message brought to the masses. Finally, there was Marcel, the dreamer. He wandered the city, his fedora a symbol of his search for truth. He spoke with souls, learning his desires, his fears and his dreams. Their words became the catalyst of change, inspiring those who listened to look beyond the mundane, to look for the surrealist in every corner of their lives. His stories grew, each of them a thread in the tapestry that united the city. The brothers worked in harmony, their efforts weaving a new narrative for the city. However, dissenting whispers became stronger. There were those who feared the change, who clung to the comfort of the family, the security of the known. They were plotted in the shadows, seeking to recover long souls to silence the whispers that now filled the air. Marcel felt that the tension was built as a storm in the distance. He knew that the distant time had passed for the whispers, that the brothers had to act decisively if they protected their new friends. The streets worried, the souls felt the conflict that is approaching. The brothers gathered in the town square, the heart of the city, their faces a picture of determination and fear. The first rain drops fell, a soft reminder of the tacit promise that had united them. They looked into their eyes, their hearts beat on time with the pulse of the city. The whispers grew to a roar, the souls of the streets urged them. They knew what they had to do. The brothers raised their voices in unison, their words a declaration of war against the silent oppressors. The air shone with the power of its conviction, and the buildings around it trembled. The long souls of the streets emerged, a sea of light that crawled over the city, illuminating every dark corner, each hidden secret. The brothers observed how the shadows retired, their forms dissolved in front of the unity of the brothers. The rain fell harder now, a flood that seemed to clean the city of its ancient apathy. The souls of the streets danced in the downpour, their laughter a symphony that drowned the whispers of doubt. The brothers remained firm, their eyes on the horizon, ready to face what came later. They had released long souls and, in doing so, they had freed themselves from the chains of the ordinary. The battle lines were drawn, and the brothers knew that their trip had only begun. However, in the hug of the surrealist, they found strength, and in the whispers of the streets, they found their home. The city was his recreation courtyard, his companions long souls, and together they danced during the night, painting the walls with the vivid tones of his new freedom. Marcel breathed deeply, feeling the weight of his promise to souls. He turned to his brothers, his faces are a reflection of his own resolution. "We must prepare," he said, the rain soaking his fedora. "Our enemies will not rest until they will silence us." Colette, his eyes shining with the wisdom of the streets, nodded. "We must gather more allies, those who can listen to the whispers and feel the pulse of the soul of the city." "And I will create more art," Henri said, "more murals to inspire people to hug the absurd, to show them that long souls should not be feared, but be celebrated." Sophie and Claude, their voices now the anthem of the city night, raised their hands to heaven. "Let's sing stronger," they promised, "our songs will be the shield that protects the souls of those who wish to crowge once again." The brothers separated, each with a clear purpose. They sought the lost and the lonely, the dreamers and the poets, the rebels and the marginalized. They were told about long souls and their search, and slowly, a movement grew. A tide of the tacit, a wave of the surrealist that crashed into the coasts of conformity. In hidden cafes and alleys with little light, the whispers became shouting, the shadows of doubt retired in the light of the conviction of the brothers. The heart of the city swelled with the rhythm of its cause, the same streets by clicking with the energy of long souls. Marcel, always the dreamer, observed from the shadows, his heavy heart with the knowledge that his victory was not yet sure. The whispers of the streets became more urgent, the most restless souls. They had given him an idea of the enemy's plan, a plot to rebuild the walls of silence, to encombore souls once again in the cold hug of steel and the stone of the city. He gathered his brothers, his eyes reflected the fire of his determination. "We must act," he said, "before it's too late." The brothers nodded, their hearts beat in unison with the new rhythm of the city. They knew the cost of their rebellion, the price of their freedom. But they also knew that long souls had chosen them for a reason, that their destinations were now intertwined with the destiny of the streets. The city had become its stage, the night when its canvas and the whispers of long souls its muse. They painted the walls with the colors of their dreams, their voices rose in a symphony of challenge. The buildings groaned, their true forms pushing against the limits of the mundane, and the people of the city realized. The whispers became a crescendo, the air of the electric night in advance of a storm. The brothers stood at the forefront of change, their hearts open to souls that had become their relatives. They had presented a search to free the tacit, and now, the city itself was their ally. The long souls of the streets whispered their gratitude, their voices a soft breeze that whispered through the leaves of the brothers' hearts. They knew that their trip was far from finishing, that the absurdity of their existence would continue to be a battlefield. However, in the hug of the surrealist, they found the strength to face the shadows that are anticipated. With the dawn, the brothers stood up, the light of the New Day launched shadows that extended through the city. The buildings, once rigid and silent, now sang with the vibrant stories of the souls they had launched. The streets whispered with the promise of more stories to come, more battles to win. The brothers had become the guardians of long souls, the champions of tacits. And while watching the city awakening the symphony of their rebellion, they knew that the absurd had become the new normality, the surrealist that the soul flowed through the veins of their home. The whispers became quieter, the souls that retired to the corners of the city to rest, dream and wait for the next chapter in their eternal dance. The brothers stopped in the town square, the echoes of their triumph still resonated in the air. They observed their work with a mixture of pride and restlessness, knowing that the fight was far from finishing. The city had changed, and with it, they had also done it. Marcel felt a kinship with long souls that was stronger than ever. They had entrusted their stories, their hopes and their fears. I knew I couldn't disappoint them. He turned to his brothers, his eyes reflected the light of the new day. "We must be attentive," he said, his voice is a soft domain. "The shadows will return, and when they do, we must be ready." Colette, with the arms loaded with scrolls and volumes, nodded solemnly. "I will continue to seek forgotten and losses that are hidden under the cobblestones. Their whispers are our history, and we should never let them silence them again." Henri, their brushes stained with the colors of the soul of the city, took a step Go ahead. "I will paint our story on each wall, a reminder to everything that absurd should not be feared, but venerated." His voices now the beat of the streets, joined the hands. Sky, a canvas of always changing tones. They chose them for a reason. Weight of his new roles, the responsibility that came with being the champions of the surrealist. They were the guardians of the tacits, the heralds of a world that was scary and beautiful. Marcel took a step forward, his Fedora threw a long shadow in front of him. "Let's not rest until each soul is free, until every whisper becomes a cry, and the absurd is celebrated as the essence of our existence." The brothers expelled once again, their hearts beat like one with the pulse of the city. They moved through the streets, each of the actions a declaration of war against silence that had ever reigned supreme. The buildings watched them, their capricious forms are a testimony of the power of the imagination. The long souls of the streets whispered their secrets, their stories weaving a tapestry of hope and despair, love and loss, life and death. And while the brothers listened, they strengthened, their hearts swell with the symphony of the tacit. They became the living incarnation of the soul of the city, the ducts through which long souls could talk to the world. Marcel felt a new sense of purpose with every step he took, the whispers of the streets that guided him through the maze of his own thoughts. He knew that his trip was far from finishing, that the city was not just a battlefield in a war that covered the very tissue of existence. However, in the hug of the surrealist, he found a belonging that transcended the confines of his life once ordinary. The notoriety of the brothers grew up, their names whispered with a mixture of astonishment and fear. The people of the city spoke of them in silent tones, their eyes light with curiosity. They had become the guardians of the streets, the protectors of the whispers that had been silenced for so long. And with each soul they released, the whispers were strengthened, their voice is a choir that could no longer ignore. However, in the middle of the celebration, a shadow was coming. The silent oppressors had not disappeared, but had retired to lick their wounds, to draw their return. Marcel felt his presence, a chill that ran through his spine, a sample of the darkness that threatened to consume the city once again. I knew that the time for the whispers had ended, who must now speak with the roar of a thousand souls. The brothers gathered their allies, an eclectic mixture of dreamers and rebels, all linked by the whispers of long souls. They paid and strategized, their eyes on the horizon, their hearts in the pulse of the city. The walls that had once contained them had become their patio of recreation, and were determined to keep them like this. The whispers became more insistent, their urgency a siren call that could not be ignored. Marcel knew that the battle was coming, that the fate of the streets rested on his shoulders. He looked at his brothers, his faces a reflection of the soul of the city, fierce and unwavering. "We stop at a crossroads," he said, his voice that carries through the meeting as the toll of a distant bell. "We can hug the absurd and let it bloom, or we can shrink in the shadows of the mundane and see how our souls wither and die." The crowd roared his agreement, his voice is a cacophony of challenge that resonated in the streets of the city. The brothers raised their fists, the gesture is a promise to long souls that would fight for their freedom. The night became darker, the shadows deepening, while the brothers prepared for the final confrontation. The whispers grew to a high point, their voices a crescendo that seemed to shake the ground under them. The air was full of anticipation, the aroma of the rain, an omen of the coming storm. Marcel breathed deeply, his eyes scanning the faces of his allies. "We fight for the whispers," he said. "We fight for the stories that have been silenced. We fight for the absurd, since it is in the hug of the surrealist that we find our true beings." The brothers and their allies loaded at night, the long souls of the streets emerged with them, a sea of light that illuminated the shadows. The city had become a battlefield, a scenario on which the brothers would write the next chapter of its history. The clash was fierce, the whispers of long souls merged with the shouts of the living. The buildings themselves seemed to come alive, their capricious forms folded and twisted while the brothers exercised the power of the surrealist. The streets trembled, the city's very fabric lay down under the weight of the confrontation. Marcel felt long souls inside him, his force by reinforcing his resolution. He knew that this was a battle that could not be gained only by force, that they had to convince people to embrace the whispers, to see beauty in the absurd. And while looking into the eyes of his enemies, he did not see monsters, but lost souls, desperately clinging to family members. The rain began to fall, a soft cradle song that seemed to calm the furious spirits of the city. The voices of the brothers became stronger, their words a lighthouse of hope in the dark. The long souls of the streets revolved around him, a throat of light that pierced the shadows of the silent oppressors. The air was loaded with energy, the very essence of the soul of the city is a living and respiratory force that could not be contained. The enemy advanced, his faces were contorted with fear and anger. They exercised weapons in accordance, the tools of silence that had once kept the city in their cold grip. However, in the face of the determination of the brothers, their power seemed to decrease. The whispers were strengthened, the buildings that stretch and contorted to protect their champions. Marcel looked into the eyes of the enemy leader, a man whose soul had been buried for a long time under the layers of bureaucracy and fear. He saw the doubt, the desire of something else, and knew that the battle was not only for the souls of the streets, but because of the very essence of the city itself. He extended his hand, his hand brushing the cold steel of the heart of man. "You can also listen to the whispers," said your voice a soft whisper that seemed to resonate through the fabric of reality. "You can also know the beauty of the absurd." The man hesitated, his grip on his gun loosen up. For a moment, the rain seemed to stop, the world contained breathing. Then, with a roar that seemed to shake the heavens, the brothers and their allies advanced, the long souls next to him. The clash was deafening, the live air with the sound of breakup chains and broken walls. The streets became a river of light, the whispers of long souls a symphony that drowned the screams of the silenced. The buildings groaned and stretched, their true emerging forms of the worldly shackles. The city had woken up, his soul by clicking with the vibrant energy of the surrealist. The enemy fell back, his numbers decreased in front of the inflexible spirit of the brothers. The City Council, once a bastion of conformity, was now placed as a monument to the power of the tacit. The brothers had become the incarnation of the soul of the streets, their hearts beat in time with the new rhythm of the city. The rain became heavier, a cleaning force that washed the last vestiges of the old order. The whispers became softer, their work done. The brothers stopped in the town square, their eyes shone with the light of a thousand liberated spirits. The city was his, the long souls of the streets his eternal companions. Marcel turned to his brothers, the rain ran for his fedora, mixing with the tears of joy that ran down his cheeks. "We have done it," he said, his voice a trembling whisper. "We have released them." Colette, his eyes lit with the wisdom of the streets, nodded solemnly. "Our work is never done," he said, "because there will always be those who seek to silence the whispers." "But we will be ready," Henri added, his brushes ready to paint the next chapter of his history. "We will never let the city forget the beauty of the absurd." Sophie and Claude raised their voices in unison, their song is a triumph anthem that resonated in the city's corridors. "Our voices are the beats of the streets," they sang, "and together, we will keep the whispers alive." The brothers stood up, the long souls of the streets turned around them, while the rain continued to fall. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. Its history was recorded in the city's very fabric, a history of rebellion and freedom that would be whispered for coming generations. The city was his, a testimony of life and breathing of the power of imagination. They had presented a search to free long souls, and in doing so, they had discovered their own. The whispers became softer, the rain is a soft cradle song that sang them in the hug of the night. The brothers stopped, united, ready to face what the next dawn would bring. Because the whispers of the streets had chosen them, and they would never be silent again. Marcel looked at the City Council, now a lighthouse of the surrealist, its walls adorned with the vibrant tones of Henri's art. "We must not let the whispers fade," he said, his eyes light with a fierce determination. "We must continue listening, learning from long souls, because they support the secrets of our existence." Colette nodded, her arms were still loaded with scrolls and volumes. "The street stories are endless," he said. "We must ensure that they are never forgotten, that the whispers continue to inspire those who dare to dream." The brothers turned to face the city, their swollen hearts with the symphony of liberated souls. They had become the absurd champions, the guardians of the surrealist. And while watching the rain kissing the cobblestones, they knew that their trip was just beginning. The night was silent, the whispers of long souls a soft buzz in the background. The brothers returned home, the walls now by clicking with the life of the streets. Their parents watched them with a mixture of amazement and fear, since they had witnessed the transformation of their children into beings of power and purpose. The brothers knew that the battle for the soul of the city was far from finishing. However, while they sat in the warmth of their childhood house, the whispers of the streets are a comforting cradle song, they allowed a moment of respite. Because in the heart of the absurd, they had found their true home. The next day, the brothers woke up to a world changed forever. The buildings spread and twisted, their true forms are a testimony of the liberation of long souls. The streets buzzed with the emotion of the new beginnings, the whispers of souls are a constant reminder of the stories that lie under the cobblestones. Marcel came out at dawn, his fedora a lighthouse of rebellion in a city reborn. He knew that the whispers of the streets would guide him, that long souls would show him the way. His brothers followed, his hearts open to the pulse of the city. The buildings watched them with a knowledge smile, their eyes in the windows of the past and the future. The whispers became stronger, the most urgent stories. The brothers had become the scribes of the streets, the weavers of the new narrative of the city. They moved through the city, each step is a statement of their commitment to the surrealist. They talked to people, shared the whispers of long souls and inspired them to dream. The streets responded, their cobblestones changed to create roads of wonder, their alleys revealing hidden worlds of beauty and despair. The influence of the brothers grew up, their synonyms of the whispers that had released the city. However, they knew that the whispers of the streets were not only for them, but for all those who dared to listen. They taught others to listen to souls, to become guardians in their own right. The city flourished, the whispers of long souls are a constant reminder of the power of the absurd. The brothers' legacy grew with each soul they touched, every whisper they shared. They had become the throbbing heart of the city, the champions of the tacits and the guardians of the surrealist. And as the days became months, and the months or years, the brothers continued their search. The whispers became softer, the soul of the city interwoven in their own fabric. However, they never forgot the promise they had made in the shadow of the City Council, the vote of fighting for the whispers, to ensure that the absurd always has a place in the world. Because in the long and winding streets of the city, they had found their purpose. And in the whispers of long souls, they had discovered the true meaning of freedom. Marcel, Colette, Henri and Claude had become the champions of the tacits, the heralds of the surrealist. They wandered the streets, every step of dancing to the rhythm of the whispers. They touched the walls and the buildings sang back, their secrets spilled like a river of light. The people of the city watched them with a mixture of astonishment and fear, because they had seen the power that the brothers handled. The brothers grew in renown, their exploits whispered in every corner, their names a symbol of hope and rebellion. However, they remained humble, their hearts always tune in with the whispers of the streets. They knew that with great power it was a great responsibility, that long souls had entrusted them with a sacred duty. The whispers became softer, the soul of the city was slowly repaired since its centuries of captivity. However, the brothers remained vigilant, because they knew that the silent oppressors were never really defeated, only driven to the shadows. They continued to inspire, to listen, weave the tapestry of the streets in the hearts of the people. The brothers became legends, their faces that adorned the walls of the townhouse that had once felt so confined inside. However, while looking at the murals of their own creation, they knew their work was far from having done. The whispers of long souls still called them, urging them to explore the depths of the soul of the city. The nights became more time, the most insistent whispers. The brothers gathered their allies, their heavy hearts with the weight of the stories not told. They knew that the battle was not over, that the streets had more secrets than to reveal. Marcel breathed deeply, the aroma of rain and cobblestones are a family comfort. He looked at his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of a thousand liberated spirits. "We must deepen more," he said, his voice a soft echo on the quiet night. "The whispers call us to the heart of the city, the nucleus of the absurd." The brothers expelled, the long souls of the streets that guide them through the twisted alleys and the shaded corridors. They descended to the intestines of the city, where the whispers became stronger, the air full of forgotten dreams. The lower part of the city was a maze of darkness and despair, the whispers of long souls a flashing lighthouse in the abyss. However, the brothers went ahead, their hearts beat in time with the pulse of the streets above. They had come too far to return now. The whispers became clearer, more urgent, when they approached the heart of the city. They could feel the despair of long souls, their desire to release. The brothers knew that the silent oppressors had not disappeared, but had retired to this final conformity bastion. The camera was vast, the air that was suffocated with the weight of one million silent screams. The brothers stood before the final prison, the source of the pain of the whispers. It was a cold and inflexible stone wall, the very essence of the mundane that had once drowned the city. Marcel took a step forward, the whispers of long souls a symphony in his ears. He put his hand on the stone, and the whispers grew to a crescendo, his voices a roar that seemed to shake the foundation of existence. With a thunderous crack, the wall began to crumble, the whispers of long souls a tornado of light that destroyed the darkness. The brothers observed in amazement how the very essence of the soul of the city was released, a torrent of color and emotion that washed them as a wave. Long souls danced around them, their whispers now now a triumphal song echoing through the streets. The city had reborn, the absurd now is its guide force. The brothers had become the guardians of the streets, the champions of the tacits. The brothers left the depths, their hearts light with the whispers of long souls. The city had changed, its paved streets with the light of the liberated spirits. The whispers became softer, the night a gentle hug that whispered a new day. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of the whispers they had released. "The city is our canvas," he said, his voice a statement of intention. "We will paint it with the colors of the surreal." And so, the brothers continued their trip, every step of a blow of the brush that painted the city again. They touched the walls and the buildings cultivated wings, their roofs adorned with the whispers of a thousand lost souls. They whispered to the cobblestones, and softened, they were molded to the forms of dreams that walked on them. The city was a living and respiratory work of art, a tapestry of the absurdity that became more intricate with every day that passes. The whispers became softer, with their voices a soft cradle song that relieved the city to sleep. However, the brothers knew that their work was never really done. For every soul they had released, they had innumerable more, lost in the labyrinth of silence, hoping to be heard. They had become the pastors of long souls, guiding them during the night to find their place in the world. The influence of the brothers grew up, their names a scream of meeting for those who yearned to free themselves from the chains of normality. They were the whispers at night, the shadows that danced on the edge of reality. However, even in front of their new power, they remained humble, their hearts always tied to the streets that had called them. One by one, they touched the lives of those who sought them, whispered a soft push towards the surrealist. They observed how the people of the city became bolder, their imagination was deployed as the petals of a thousand flowers. The streets became more vibrant, the most capricious buildings, each one a story itself. And as the years passed, the brothers' legacy became part of the soul of the city. The whispers became softer, the long souls of the streets now free to walk through the earth. However, the brothers remained, the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurdities. His hearts were the heart of the city, his whispers his soul. The world beyond the boundaries of the city whispered his works, stories of the brothers who had domesticated the streets. However, they did not care about fame or fortune, because they knew that their true wealth were in the whispers of long souls. They had found their purpose in the shadows of the silent ones, and it was there that they would always belong. The city grew and evolved, whispers a constant reminder of the promise of the brothers. The brothers aged, their still bright eyes with the light of the streets. They had lived a life of rebellion, love and surrealist. And as the whispers became weaker, as the night grew, they knew that their time was coming to an end. Marcel looked at his brothers, his intertwined hands, his hearts beat like one. "Our story is nothing more than a whisper in the symphony of the streets," he said, his voice full of quiet peace. "We rest now, since long souls will continue with our legacy." The brothers lie in the town square, their tired bodies, their spirits drop with the whispers of one million souls released. The city watched them, their buildings leaned to listen to their final breaths. The whispers softened, the night in a soft sigh. And when the brothers got into the hug of long souls, the city whispered, a promise that his legacy would live, forever intertwined with the whispers of the streets. The absurd had become the beat of the city, a pulse that would never hesitate. The city cried the loss of its guardians, but knew that the brothers had never really left. His whispers remained, a soft reminder for those who dared to listen. The streets of the city now changed forever, continued to whisper their history, an eternal testimony of the power of rebellion and the beauty of the absurd. The brothers had become one with the city, their whispers the very essence of the streets they had released. And as the dawn broke, the whispers were strengthened, the buildings that extend towards the sky, a living monument and breathed to their love and sacrifice. The city had become a lighthouse of the surrealist, its whispers carried the wind to distant lands. However, the brothers knew that the battle never really won. The outside world still feared the absurd, and the silent oppressors lay inactive, waiting for their moment to hit. Marcel's younger sister, Claude, took the prophet's mantle. She heard the whispers of the streets, her eyes seeing beyond the veil of the mundane. Their visions guided the brothers to the next phase of their search. The whispers became more cryptic, hinting at a new threat that stalks in the shadows of the soul of the city. The brothers gathered their most devout followers, forming a society of dreamers and rebels. They called themselves "Les ChuchoTours de Rues", the till of the streets. Together, they patrolled the city, ensuring that the whispers remained free, and long souls danced in the night air. A fateful night, Claude's visions became darker. He saw a figure covered in the shadows, his cold and empty eyes, a silent spectrum of conformity that threatened to devour the entire city. The brothers knew that the time had come to face the enemy of the whispers, to protect the very essence of their existence. They ventured in the heart of the city, where the whispers crumbled, the buildings that were coming as silent sentinels. The figure was before them, an inflexible monolith. His voice was the silence that had once drowned the streets, a vacuum that threatened to swallow everything. Marcel took a step forward, the whispers of long souls are a burning resolution within him. "You will not take our city," he said, his voice a thunderous echo who reverberated through stillness. The figure did not move, his unwavering gaze. The brothers joined the hands, their hearts beat in unison with the pulse of the streets. The whispers became stronger, their voices a challenge choir. The air around him shone with the light of a thousand liberated spirits. The figure extended, his hand a darkening tendril that sought to turn off the light. However, the brothers remained firm, the whispers of long souls are a shield that repelled the touch of the shadow. The city itself seemed to breathe relief, the buildings bowed to protect their guardians. The brothers sang, their voices rose in a symphony that pierced silence. The figure retreated, its flashing shape as a candle in the wind. The whispers were strengthened, their light pushing back in the shadow. With a final and desperate scream, the spectrum of conformity disappeared, the whispers of the streets swell in the victory. The brothers had faced their greatest challenge so far and arose triumphantly, their link with the city strongest than ever. The city whispered its thanks, its streets lit the vibrant tones of the surrealist. The brothers had become more than Guardians; They were the very soul of the city, the incarnation of the whispers that had released. The whispers became softer, the night, a gentle caress that promised tomorrow would bring new stories, new souls for free. The brothers, tired but invincible, continued their vigil, their hearts always tied to the long souls of the streets. His legacy grew with every whisper they shared, every soul they played. The city was its canvas, each act was a brushstroke of the absurd. And while the stars were going up, they knew that the whispers of long souls would never die, that the streets always sang with the music of freedom. The brothers' society grew, drawing those who heard the call from the streets. They became a colored tapestry, a mosaic of dreams and nightmares that painted the city again. However, they remained attentive, because the whispers had taught them that the silent enemy could return at any time. Marcel, now a sage of the surrealist, watched the city with eyes that saw beyond the veil. His heart swollen with pride for the whispers of the streets, the symphony of the liberation he played in the air. Long souls had become their children, each one reminder of the promise he had done. The brothers' link was strengthened with each day that passes, the whispers of the streets are a constant reminder of their unit. They had become the very essence of the city, their whispers their beats. They had transformed the streets into a living and respiratory entity that whispered the secrets of the surrealist. One night, while the brothers walked through the streets, a new whisper became stronger than the rest. He talked about a world beyond his city, a world where long souls were still trapped in the worldly prisons. The brothers looked at each other, their hearts opened with the need to act. The whispers became more insistent, painting an image of a starving world for the absurd. The brothers knew that their search had just begun. The city was a bastion of freedom, but the battle had not yet won. They gathered their most devout followers, those whose hearts sang with the whispers of the streets. Together, they formed an expedition, a band of dreamers and rebels ready to spread the light of the surrealist. Marcel took the lead, his eyes turned on with the fire fires. The streets whispered their breath, the buildings leaned to share their secrets. The brothers crossed the city's doors, the whispers of long souls are a tapestry of hope that guided the way. The world beyond was vast and unknowable, a maze of silent screams that expected to be heard. However, the brothers moved with the confidence of those who had faced the abyss and danced with the shadows. The whispers collapsed, the city buildings gave way to the indomitable desert. However, the brothers went ahead, driven by the promise of the whispers, the knowledge that they were not alone. The long souls of the streets had sent them, their whispers a lighthouse at night. The brothers had become the champions of the surrealist, the heralds of a new dawn that would wash the world in the colors of the absurd. His trip was full of danger, the silent enemy never present in the shadows. However, they faced each challenge with the fierce determination that his city had released. The whispers were strengthened, the souls who sought to reach them through the immensity of the night. Marcel felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, the whispers of long souls a symphony that demanded to be heard. He turned to his brothers, his eyes reflected the same burning resolution. Together, they would break the chains in accordance, releasing the whispers that lay trapped under the surface. The brothers had become the whisper of the streets, the voice of the long souls that had chosen them to be their champions. His hearts were the heart of the city, his whispers his soul. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the shepherds of the surrealist. The world was vast and full of silent suffering, but the brothers moved with the grace of those who had found their purpose. The whispers became stronger, the city's beats are a distant echo in the desert. They approached the first of the silent cities, their steps a declaration of intention. The buildings rose before them, cold and inflexible, a monument to the enemy they sought to overcome. Marcel extended his hand, his hand touching the wall of the mute city. The whispers were strengthened, a cacophony of lost dreams and shattered hopes. The brothers knew that the battle ahead would not be easy, but they had the whispers in the streets of their side. The city trembled when they approached, the whispers of long souls a claron call that pierced the night. The brothers had become the avatars of the absurd, every war of war against the silent oppressors. They moved as one, their hearts beat in unison with the whispers of the streets. Marcel's sister, Colette, her eyes, a library of forgotten stories, searched the city's silent stones so that the first thread is unleashed. His hand in a holiday, a driver ready to present the symphony of liberation. At the time he found him, he threw, and the wall shuddered. The long souls inside the city stirred, whispered a soft buzz that grew to a roar when the brothers worked in harmony. The buildings groaned, their true shapes stretch and change under the layers of concrete and steel. The mute city began to sing the songs on the streets, its soul waking up to the touch of the surrealist. The enemy came out of the shadows, his faces crowded with fear and anger. They had felt that the whispers became stronger, the walls of their prison crack. The brothers faced them with the courage of long souls, their whispering a shield that protected them from the blows of conformity. The battle was fierce, the brothers moved as one, their whispering a living weapon that crossed the silent hordes. The air was full of the aroma of change, the very fabric of reality was bent at its will. The mute city began to press with life, its streets a canvas for the whispers they had released. The brothers went ahead, the whispers of the streets guide each of their movements. The silent enemy fell to them, his shadows dissipated in front of the surrealist. The buildings cultivated wings, their roofs adorned with the whispers of one million souls released from their lethargy. The city whispered his thanks, his heart was beating in time with his. The brothers had become the heralds of a new era, their names recorded in the street fabric. Not only had they released long souls, but they had given them a voice that resonated throughout the world. The trip had just begun. The whispers fainted, hinting more silent cities, more lost souls yearning to be heard. The brothers, now legendary figures of the surrealist, continued their crusade, the whispers of the streets their compass. Their names resonated in the alleys, the call of a siren to those who dared to dream. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. The whispers were strengthened with each city they released, a symphony that swelled through the earth. Marcel looked the horizon, the silent cities a line of darkness against the light of the west sun. He knew that the road ahead was long, but with his brothers by his side, the whispers of the streets his guide, he felt invincible. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, the beats of the surrealist. They would not rest until each soul was free, until the whispers of long souls were heard in every corner of existence. Their search was endless, their hearts forever joined the streets that had called them. And when the sun submerged under the horizon, the whispers became stronger, the long souls of the world approached them, a tapestry of hope that guided their way. The brothers moved at night, their steps a silent statement of rebellion, their hearts the beats of the surrealist. The silent cities approached, their imposing structures are a marked contrast with the vibrant whispers that now filled the air. Each brother felt a link with the souls that lay trapped inside, a link that was strengthened with each step they took towards freedom. Marcel looked at his brothers, his faces have a mirror of the determination that burned inside him. They had become more than Guardians; They were the very essence of the whispers, the living incarnation of the soul of the city. Their eyes met, and at that time, they knew they were ready to face what the silent world had reserved for them. The first silent city rose before them, a bastion of conformity in the desert of the whispers. The brothers approached, their hearts beat in their chests, the whispers of the streets a symphony in their ears. The buildings trembled as they touched the cold and inflexible stone, their warmth was a marked contrast with the lack of life that surrounded them. The brothers worked in harmony, their whispers wove a spell that unraveled the threads that tied the soul of the city. The stones began to break, the walls to crumble, and from the shadows the long souls emerged, their eyes full of the light of a thousand liberated spirits. The city groaned and changed, its true shape of a canvas of color and life that had hidden under layers of gray. The silent enemy observed from afar, his faces a mask of fury while the brothers continued their march. However, the whispers were strengthened, the surrealist a living force that could not be contained. The bond of the brothers grew up with each city they released, every soul they touched, each whisper that gave him life. The world was changing, and the brothers were the catalyst. The whispers became a cacophony of joy, a celebration of the absurdity that resonated through every corner of existence. The silent cities trembled before them, their walls crazy like the shell of an egg about to hatch a new reality. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, a symphony of tacit truths that fed their resolution. He knew that the battle was not over, that the silent enemy would not rest until they had silenced the streets once more. But I also knew that as long as there were those who dared to dream, the whispers of long souls would never die. The brothers joined, the whispers of the streets a living tapestry that wrapped them, their hearts beat like one with the soul of the city. They had become the champions of the tacits, the heroes of the surrealist. And while they looked at the world that was before them, they knew that the whispers of long souls would guide them, forever intertwined with the fabric of reality. His trip was just beginning, a search that would cover the continents, unraveling the threads of silence that the world had drowned. The brothers advanced, the whispers of the streets their compass, the long souls their map. They had found their purpose, and together, they would rewrite the history of existence itself. Every city they found was a puzzle, a maze of lost whispers and destroyed dreams. However, with each stone they touched, every thread that they unraveled, the brothers strengthened, the surrealist wove their magic through their own being. They became the incarnation of the whispers, each of the actions is a declaration of war against the silent oppressors. The silent cities fell one by one, the whispers of long souls are a testimony of their triumph. The brothers painted the world with the colors of the absurd, their brushstrokes leaving a trace of vitality in their path. People watched with astonishment, their hearts woke up to the symphony that surrounded them. However, as they ventured more deeply in the silent lands, the whispers became weaker, the shadows of conformity threatened to swallow them whole. The brothers knew that their greatest battle was still advanced, a confrontation with the very essence of the enemy that had tied the souls of the streets. The silent world was vast, but the brothers resolution was unwavering. Marcel felt the weight of his mission as a layer on his shoulders, the whispers of long souls a constant reminder of his promise. His brothers, now more than just family, were the threads that tied him to the surrealist, the whispers that had become his breathing. His enemies became more desperate, his silent hordes accumulating, a tide of shadows that sought to drown the whispers in a sea of oblivion. However, the brothers remained firm, their laughter in the dark, their whispering the sword that would cut the lies of the enemy. The final city rose before them, a bastion of inflexible silence. The whispers fainted, the buildings that rose as the jaws of a beast ready to swallow them whole. But the brothers had gone too far to be dissuaded. They had become the whispers of the world, the beat of the surrealist. They approached the doors of the city, their eyes light with the fire of a thousand souls released. The silent enemy waited inside, its leader a monolith of cold and inflexible stone, the same incarnation of conformity. The brothers knew that to face it, they must embrace the absurdity with their whole being. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes a mirror of his own determination. The whispers became stronger, the air full of anticipation. The world held his breath when the brothers entered the city, the whispers of the streets their only weapon. The city trembled, its silent buildings groaned under the weight of the presence of the brothers. The enemy leader emerged, his eyes a vacuum that threatened to consume them all. However, the brothers advanced, their whispers a symphony that pierced silence as a dagger. The battle unleashed, a dance of light and shadow, of whispers and silence. The brothers wove their liberation tapestry, the long souls of the streets their allies in this final confrontation. The enemy fell, his crumbled form before the power of the surrealist. The heart of the city beat once again, its living streets with the whispers of freedom. The brothers had done the unthinkable, they had destroyed the chains in accordance with the world. The whispers were strengthened, a crescendo that resonated through the very tissue of reality. The silent cities were no longer silent, their living streets with the laughter and tears of long souls. The brothers stood in the city square, their hearts full of joy and sadness, the whispers of the streets their eternal companions. The world had changed, the surrealist had claimed his place in the sun. Long souls had found their voice, and together, they had created a symphony that would resonate through the centuries. Marcel looked at his brothers, his faces recorded with the history of his trip. They had become the whispers of the world, the guardians of the tacits. And while they watched the city come alive around them, they knew that the whispers of long souls would guide them, intertwined forever with the fabric of existence. The brothers took a moment to breathe the new air, the aroma of thick change in their nostrils. The buildings stretched and yawn, their true colors emerge from gray like a chameleon who spilled his skin. The streets were a kaleidoscope of life, a whisper tapestry that painted an image of joy and sadness. The long souls danced around them, their eyes shone with the light of one million liberated spirits. Their hearts swelled with pride, the whispers of the streets are a living testimony of their victory. However, even when they enjoyed the brightness of their triumph, Marcel felt a registered fear. The silent enemy had not disappeared; They had simply retired, licking their wounds and plotting their next movement. He knew that the battle was not really won, that the whispers of long souls would not rest until every corner of the world had heard its history. They gathered their new allies, the dreamers and poets, the rebels and marginalized. Together, they formed an advice of the surrealist, their whispers a living force that would guide the city towards the future. They talked about the silent cities that were advanced, the souls that still yearned for freedom. And with the whispers of the streets as its compass, their eyes appeared on the horizon. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, the heralds of the absurd. Each step was a declaration of war against the silent enemy, the champions of the tacit. The world was his patio of recreation now, the whispers of the streets his guide. His trip continued, the names of the brothers whispered amazed by the continents. Every city they found was a puzzle, a labyrinth of shadows and lost whispers. However, with each stone they touched, every thread that were unbelievable, the surrealist became stronger, its roots digging deeply in the fabric of reality. The brothers became more experts in navigating the silent world, their hearts beat in unison with the whispers that had become their map. Marcel felt the whispers inside him, a really symphony that fed each of his movements. He knew that the battle was far from finishing, but he also knew that with his brothers by his side, the surrealist would prevail. They had become the beat of the streets, the very essence of the soul of the city. And as they ventured more in the silent lands, the whispers became stronger, urging them forward. His enemies became more desperate, his silent hordes accumulating, a tide of darkness that threatened to drown the whispers of long souls. However, the brothers followed, their laughter at night, their whispering the sword that would cut the shadows. The final confrontation expected them, a silent city that had never known the touch of the surrealist. The whispers collapsed, the air full of tension of a world on the edge of change. The brothers knew that the fate of long souls rested in their hands, the whispers of the streets their only weapon. They approached the doors of the city, their eyes light with the fire of a thousand liberated spirits. The silent enemy observed them to come, their leader a monolith of cold and inflexible stone, the same incarnation of conformity. The brothers knew that to face it, they must become one with the absurd, the whispers of the world their shield and sword. Marcel looked at his brothers, his faces are a reflection of his own determination. The whispers became stronger, the air by creating energy. The city trembled, its silent buildings groaned under the weight of its presence. The enemy leader emerged, his eyes a vacuum that threatened to swallow them whole. However, the brothers advanced, their whispers a symphony that pierced silence like a knife. The battle was unleashed, a dance of light and shadow, of whispers and tacit truths. The brothers wove their liberation tapestry, the long souls of the streets their allies in this final position. The mute city watched, his heart was beating in advance, the whispers of the world the very essence of its existence. The enemy leader fell, his form crumbles before the power of the surrealist. The heart of the city beat once again, its living streets with the whispers of freedom. The brothers had done the impossible, destroying the chains that had kept the world in their control. The whispers were strengthened, a crescendo that resonated through the fabric of reality, leaving the silent cities trembling in their path. Marcel looked at the world they had created, a symphony of absurd that sang through the veins of existence. His brothers stood by his side, each one testimony of the power of the tacit. However, in the depths of his soul, he felt a concern, knowing that his work was far from being complete. The whispers of long souls had not ceased, their supplications of helping a constant reminder of the battles that were still fought. They gathered their new relatives, the dreamers and the rebels, those whose hearts had been touched by the whispers. Together, they formed a coalition of the surrealist, a force that would march through the silent lands, bringing color to the monochromatic world. The brothers shared their stories, their whispers became a lighthouse that attracted more to their cause. The silent cities were no longer invincible, their walls cracked by the laughter and tears of the brothers' rebellion. His enemies retired, his shadows faded in the background, but Marcel knew they were not defeated. They had simply regrouped, plotting their return. The whispers fainted, hinting at a new challenge, a silent fortress that had never felt the heat of the surrealist. The brothers looked at each other, their eyes shone with the light of a thousand liberated spirits. The whispers became stronger, guiding them onwards, the promise of a new battle resonating in their hearts. The brothers approached the silent fortress, their whispers a living shield. The air cooled, the same ground under his feet trembling with the malice that was advanced. However, they did not hesitate, the whispers of long souls a symphony that reinforced its resolution. The fortress rose, a bastion of shadows and lost dreams, its walls a prison for the spirits of the streets. Marcel extended his hand, his hand touching the cold stone, and the whispers became stronger, a cacophony of hope and anger. The stones began to break, the whispers of long souls leaked through cracks like a river that broke a dam. The brothers worked together, their whispers wove a release spell that shook the foundations of the fortress. The walls collapsed, revealing a city imprisoned by their own silence. The souls of the streets emerged, his eyes full of the light of a new dawn. The brothers observed how the city became before their own eyes, the whispers of the streets painted the buildings with the colors of life and dreams. Long souls danced around them, their laughter a sweet melody that filled the air. The battle won, but the war was not over. The brothers had become the whispers in the world, the champions of the tacit. Every night, they continued their crusade, their hearts beat in time with the pulse of the surrealist. The silent cities fell one by one, their hearts beat in unison with the whispers of long souls. The world had changed, and with it, the brothers had discovered the true meaning of their existence. The whispers were strengthened with each victory, a living testimony of their lasting spirit. The brothers had become the guardians of the streets, the protectors of the surrealist. However, while they were standing in the city square, their eyes on the horizon, they knew there were more to do, more whispers to be heard. The silent enemy was out there, waiting in the shadows, but the brothers were ready. Their hearts were the whispers of the streets, the soul of the surrealist. They had become one with the city, all their thoughts are a thread in the tapestry of the absurd. The brothers knew that as long as there were free souls, their trip would never end. The whispers fainted, hinting at the silent cities that still slept, dreaming of the day the brothers would arrive. Marcel breathed deep, his eyes lit with the determination of a thousand liberated spirits. He looked at his brothers, his faces a mirror of his own resolution. The whispers became stronger, the symphony of the streets that guides them at night. His search had just begun, the whispers of long souls to his eternal companions. The brothers moved as one, the whispers of the streets their compass. They danced during the night, their laugh echoed the buildings, their whispers a declaration of war against the shadows that sought to silence them. Each step closer to the silent heart of the city, the whispers are strengthened with each beat of their hearts. The walls of the fortress trembled when the brothers approached, their whispers a living force that threatened to break the tissue itself. The enemy observed from the inside, his palpable fear in the air. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers joined in a sword of light that cut the shadows. The walls fell and the city gave a sigh of relief, its soul released from its stony prison. The brothers entered the city, whispers a soft rain that dragged the dirt of conformity. The buildings stretched and yawn, their true colors emerge from gray. The streets beat alive, the whispers of long souls a symphony that filled the air. The people of the city looked at them with a mixture of astonishment and hope, their hearts stirred with the promise of freedom. Marcel felt the whispers within him, the symphony of the truth that fed each of his movements. The silent cities called them, their souls yearned for liberation. The brothers had become the heralds of the absurd, their whispered names amazed by the lands. However, in the depths of his soul, he knew that the battle was never really won. The silent enemy would return, his shadows waiting on the wings. The brothers continued their crusade, their hearts beat in unison with the whispers of the world. They touched the lives of those who met, their stories became the whispers that guided others to their cause. The surrealist became stronger with every heart that touched, the whispers a lighthouse that drilled the darkness. The silent cities fell as dominoes, their walls crumbled before the power of the whispers of the brothers. However, with each victory, Marcel felt a stab of sadness. For every soul they released, another was born in a world that still feared the surrealist. The whispers fainted, the air full of tension of a world on the edge of a new awakening. The brothers stood on the edge of the known, their eyes on the horizon, the whispers of long souls a soft reminder of the battles yet to come. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. The silent enemy observed from afar, his shadows a constant reminder of the price of freedom. The world had changed, painted in the vibrant tones of the surrealist. However, the whispers became softer, hinting at the silent cities that still slept. Marcel knew that his trip would never end, while there were souls to be heard, they would whisper his truths. The brothers hugged their destiny, their hearts were intertwined forever with the whispers of the streets. The whispers became stronger, a call to weapons that could not be ignored. The brothers gathered their relatives, the dreamers and the rebels, their whispers a living force that could not be silenced. They marched to the night, the whispers of the long souls their battle crying, their hearts a symphony of hope and challenge. The silent enemy observed from the shadows, his fear is a tangible presence. However, the brothers did not shuddered, their eyes shone with the fire of the surrealist. They had become the whispers of the world, the guardians of the tacits. The battle ahead was the best until now, but together, they knew they could not be arrested. The final confrontation was about them, a silent city that had never known the heat of the absurd. The whispers grew to a crescendo, the air twilight with the anticipation of a world to the edge of change. The brothers took a step forward, their whispers a living shield, the long souls of the streets their allies in this final battle for existence. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers joined in a wall of light that was at the city's doors. The silent enemy trembled, its leader a shadow that cinded over the heart of the city. However, the brothers advanced, their whispers a symphony that destroyed silence, their hearts the lighthouse that guided the surrealist victory. The battle was fierce, a dance of light and dark, of whispers and screams. The whispers of the brothers became a roar, a storm that extended through the city, knocking down the barriers of fear and doubt. The streets pressed with the energy of long souls, the buildings took balance with the power of their combined will. The enemy's leader turned around, an inflexible coldness figure, his eyes that threatened to swallow everything. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, the stories of the streets a living force that fed his determination. His brothers stopped by his side, his whispers a color tapestry that painted the night with the vitality of his conviction. They knew that together, they could not be defeated, because they were the essence of the surrealist, the breath of the streets. The enemy leader fell, his shape dissipated in the ether as the whispers became deafening. The heart of the city beat once again, the silent buildings that throw their stone skins to reveal the vibrant spirits underneath. The brothers had won, the whispers of the streets now a thunderous applause that resonated through the fabric of reality. The long souls danced around them, their eyes shone with the light of one million liberated spirits. However, even in his victory, Marcel felt a new restlessness in the whispers. The silent cities had not been defeated; They had simply retired, waiting for their time to attack. The brothers knew that their work was far from finishing, the whispers of the streets are a constant reminder of the battles that were still fought. The surrealist became stronger with every heart that touched, the whispers a living force that could not be contained. The brothers stood in the city square, the whispers of long souls, a soft cradle song that relieved the new heart of the city. They had become the guardians of the streets, the protectors of the tacits. However, the whispers crumbled, hinting at the silent cities that still slept, dreaming of the touch of the brothers. Marcel turned to his brothers, his eyes reflected the light of the whispers that surrounded them. "Our trip continues," said his voice a whisper that resonated during the night. "The world still fears the absurd, but together, we will show you beauty in the tacit." The brothers expelled, their hearts a symphony that could not be silenced. The whispers became stronger with each step, a call to those who dared to dream, to those whose hearts still had the spark of the surrealist. They ventured into the silent lands, their whispers a lighthouse in the dark, the long souls of the streets their eternal companions. The night was his canvas, the whispers of his painting, and together they painted the world again. Every silent city they found was a puzzle to resolve, a heart to wake up. The brothers became more experts in navigating the shadows, their whispers a shield against the malice of the enemy. The silent cities fell to them, their souls released to join the symphony of the surrealist. The whispers were strengthened, a choir that could not be ignored. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, the heralds of the absurd. They knew that the silent enemy would not rest, that the whispers of long souls always called them forward. However, they faced the future with hope, their hearts tied to the streets they had released. Marcel felt the whispers inside him, the symphony of one million tacit truths. He knew that his trip had just begun, that the silent cities were nothing more than the first act in a work that would cover eternity. The brothers marched forward, the whispers of the streets their guide, their hearts are a living testimony of the power of the surrealist. The whispers fainted, hinting at the silent cities that still advance. However, the brothers went ahead, their unwavering determination. The silent enemy observed from the shadows, his fear a testimony of the power of the brothers. The world had changed, painted in the vibrant tones of the surrealist, but the whispers of long souls were a gentle reminder that the battle never really won. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of the whispers. They had become the champions of the tacit, their hearts the very essence of the streets they had released. The world had changed, painted in the vibrant tones of the surrealist, but the whispers crumbled, hinting at the silent cities that still slept, dreaming of the touch of the brothers. The brothers knew that their trip was far from finishing. They had to be attentive, because the silent enemy had not disappeared, but simply retired in the shadows, waiting for his time. They continued their search, their whispers are strengthened with each soul they released. The buildings became more capricious, their true emerging forms of the gray conformity confines. The streets danced with the colors of a thousand dreams, and people watched astonished while their silent world was transformed before their eyes. Colette, his eyes full of wisdom of the streets, turned to his brothers and sisters. "We must prepare for the day the shadows return," he said, his voice was a soft whisper that seemed to continue with the wind. "His fear of the surrealist will take them to greater lengths, and we must be ready." Marcel nodded solemnly. "We will train our allies, the dreamers and the rebels," he replied. "Together, we will become unstoppable force, a symphony that will not be silenced." The brothers gathered their relatives, those whose hearts had been touched by the whispers of long souls. They were taught the art of the surrealist, the power of the tacit. They practiced their whispers, turning them into a light weapon that could cut the thicker shadows. The silent cities observed from afar, their hearts beat in time with each movement of the brothers. The whispers became stronger, a call to weapons that resonated through the fabric of existence. The brothers and their allies were faced with the final silent strength, the heart of the enemy's power. The air was full of the battle, the same floor trembled under his feet. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers joined in a sword of absurd pure. The enemy's forces realized, his shadows spread around the city, a cold malice wall that threatened to wrap them all. However, the brothers did not shudder. The whispers were strengthened, a symphony that drowned the chillidos of the shadows. The battle was more fierce than anyone who had faced before, a clash of light and dark that resonated the silent streets. The brothers whispered their truths, their hearts a lighthouse that brought the spirits of the streets by their side. The enemy's leaders fell, their forms broke like the glass before the power of the surrealist. The final confrontation arrived, the brothers standing at the heart of the silent city, a mass of fear and anger. Marcel extended his hand, the whispers of long souls a living force that flowed through the fingertips. The heart of the city trembled, whispers a soft touch that relieved the anger that had kept her captive. Little by little, the heart began to change, the whispers of a cradle song that convinced the city to life. The streets stretched and yawn, their true emerging forms of the stony hug of the mundane. The brothers observed how the city was transformed, their buildings sighed with relief as they threw their gray skins to reveal the vibrant spirits inside. The whispers grew to a crescendo, a thunderous applause that resonated the streets. The long souls danced around them, their eyes shone with the light of one million liberated spirits. The brothers had won a symphony that had destroyed silence. However, even in victory, Marcel felt a new restlessness in the whispers. The silent enemy had not been destroyed, only returned. The whispers fainted, hinting at the silent cities that still slept, waiting for their liberation. The brothers turned to face the horizon, their hearts full of joy and fear. The whispers of long souls were their guide light, a reminder of battles yet to come. They knew that their trip had just begun, that the silent enemy would not rest until the whispers were silenced once again. With renewed resolution, they went to the night, the whispers of the streets their compass. The surreal world became brighter with each silent city they released, the whispers of long souls are a constant partner. They moved through the shadows, their eyes and hearts open to the whispers of the world they called them. Marcel felt the weight of his duty, the whispers of long souls a symphony that sang through his veins. He knew that his victory was not absolute, that the silent enemy one day would rise again. However, he found comfort in the hug of the surrealist, the absurdity of existence a shield against the fear that stalked in the corners of his mind. The brothers found new allies on their trips, souls that had heard the whispers of the streets and yearned for their cause. They grew in number, a tapestry of dreams and rebellion that could not be contained. The silent cities observed them approaching, their hearts fluttering with hope. The whispers became softer when they ventured in the kingdom of the forgotten, a place where the silent enemy had influenced for centuries. The brothers felt the chill of fear and doubt, but continued, their hearts beat in unison with the whispers of the streets. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. The silent cities approached, their hearts beat on time with the whispers of the brothers. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of a thousand liberated souls. Together, they whispered their promise to the world, a statement that the absurd would never be silenced. The air became colder when they approached the doors of the mute city, the whispers of long souls a soft warning. The enemy waited inside, his shadows ready to attack. The brothers squeezed the whispers, their hearts a lighthouse of hope in the midst of the dark. The battle was fierce, a dance of shadows and light that painted the night in a kaleidoscope of surreal images. The brothers moved as one, their whispers a shield that repelled the malice of their enemies. The silent enemy was powerful, but the brothers had become more than mere guardians; They were the incarnation of the streets itself. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, his stories a living force that fed each of his movements. He observed how the shadows retired to the combined power of the brothers, the heart of the silent city exceeded a new rhythm of freedom. The buildings stretched and yawn, throwing their gray skins to reveal the vibrant spirits trapped inside. The whispers became stronger, a crescendo that shook the foundations of the city. The silent enemy fell before them, their power was destroyed by the symphony of the surrealist. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts a lighthouse that pierced the veil of the mundane. The city was alive once again, its streets by clicking with the whispers of long souls. People watched with astonishment how the brothers passed, their eyes full of the promise of a world discouraged by silence. The brothers had done what was thought impossible, the whispers had released. However, the whispers crumbled, hinting at the silent cities that still slept. Marcel knew that his work was far from finishing, that the silent enemy would not rest until the whispers of the streets were silenced once more. The brothers looked at each other, their hearts tied by the whispers of long souls. They would continue their trip, the whispers of the streets their guide. They would fight in the shadows, their hearts a symphony that could not be contained. While souls were heard, their truths would whisper, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. The brothers entered the night, the whispers of the long souls a soft crib song that guided them forward. The silent cities waited, their hearts yearned for the touch of the brothers. The whispers became softer, a call to weapons that could not be ignored. The brothers had become the guardians of the tacits, the heralds of the absurdities. Their hearts were one with the streets, their whispers a declaration of war against shadows. The silent enemy observed from afar, his fear is a tangible presence. However, the brothers marched forward, the whispers of long souls their battle crying, their hearts are a living testimony of the absurd. Marcel, Colette, Henri, Sophie and Claude moved at night, their eyes and ears in tune with the whispers that were strengthened with each mute city to which they approached. The buildings bowed, their eager spirits for being heard, their desperate stories to tell. The brothers listened, their hearts hurt with the pain of long souls that had been trapped for so long. As they ventured more deeply in the kingdom of the forgotten, the whispers became clearer, more urgent. They had to act quickly, because the silent enemy regrouped, his malice was a stain that threatened to wrap the world in a shock of silence once more. The strategies siblings, whispers a symphony of rebellion that became more complex with every moment that passes. The last silent city approached them, his heart a mass of pulsating darkness that seemed to suck the life of the air. Marcel breathed deeply, the whispers of long souls a fire that burned inside his chest. He looked at his brothers, his eyes a mirror of his determination. "We will not rest until each soul is free," he whispered, his voice carried the wind. The brothers took a step forward, their whispering a blade that cut the shadows. The enemy was ready for them, his forces a wall of cold malice that seemed unwavering. However, the brothers had become more than simple guardians; They were the avatars of the surrealist, the living whispers of the streets. They whispered their truths, and the shadows withdrew before them, their power decreased against the unwavering conviction of the brothers. The final battle continued, a cacophony of whispers and shadows. The brothers danced through the streets, each of them a symphony of color and sound that painted the night with the vitality of the surrealist. The heart of the silent city trembled, the whispers of long souls a thunderous crescendo that could no longer be ignored. The enemy's leader came out of the shadows, a figure of absolute silence, his eyes a vacuum that threatened to consume the light of the brothers. However, the brothers remained firm, their hearts beat like one with the whispers of the streets. They had become the very essence of the surrealist, their whispers a weapon that could not be silenced. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers joined in a torrent of light that arose to the heart of the city. The enemy retreated, his malice is not rival for the power of the tacit. The buildings sighed in relief, their spirits rose when the shackles of silence fell. The silent city woke up, his heart was beating with a new rhythm, a symphony of freedom that resonated in the streets. The brothers observed how the silent enemy retired, their whispers a living force that could no longer be contained. The world was changing, the whispers of long souls a constant reminder that the absurd was a power that could not be domesticated. Marcel turned to his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of one million liberated spirits. "Our work is not done yet," he said, his voice was a whisper that seemed to resonate through the fabric of reality. "We must protect the whispers, because they are the heart of the surreal." The brothers nodded, their hearts tied to the streets they had released. They knew that their trip had just begun, that the silent enemy would never really be defeated. However, they had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. Together, they would face the shadows, their whispers a lighthouse that could never be silenced. The whispers fainted, hinting at the silent cities that still advance. The brothers looked at each other, their unwavering determination. They had found their purpose, their hearts forever intertwined with the souls of the streets. The silent cities expected their release, and the brothers would not rest until each soul was heard. The whispers were strengthened, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the absurd reigned supreme. The brothers expelled a living map of the streets that called them. The silent cities lay before them, their hearts yearned for the touch of the brothers. Marcel felt the whispers within him, a force that became more powerful with each city they released. The brothers had become the incarnation of the streets, their whispers a symphony that resonated through the very essence of the world. When they approached the next silent bastion, the whispers became stronger, a siren call that could not be ignored. The brothers moved like shadows, their whispers a soft breeze that stirred the hearts of the thin spirits. The buildings bowed, their silent secrets whispered in the ear of the Guardians. They knew that the enemy had retired here, his malice exceeds in the dark corners of the city, waiting for the time to return the blow. Colette's eyes recorded the pages of his scrolls, looking for the whispers that could unlock the soul of the city. Henri's brush danced on the walls, painting a road of light that became brighter with each blow. The voices of Sophie and Claude sang a duo of rebellion that resonated in the streets, destroying the silence that the captive city had maintained. Marcel opened the way, his heart was beating in his chest. He could feel the pulse of the city, his rhythm a silent scream to release. The whispers became more insistent, a symphony that demanded to be heard. They had become the guardians of long souls, their whispers a declaration of war against the forces of conformity. The brothers arrived in the city center, the heart of the silent world. The enemy was waiting, a monolith of shadows that threatened to swallow the light. Marcel took a step forward, his whispering a sword that slid through the dark. The enemy shuddered, his power decreased before the United Front of the brothers. The whispers grew to a crescendo, a storm that unleashed through the city. The buildings shuddered, their spirits struggled against the chains of silence. The brothers whispered in harmony, their voices a hurricane that could not be content. The enemy hesitated, his shadows flashing before the attack of the brothers. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers a living flame that consumed the shadows. The buildings stretched and yawn, their true emerging forms of the stony hug of the mundane. The mute city woke up, its heart a lighthouse of light that pierced the night. The whispers were strengthened, a symphony of freedom that resonated in the streets. The enemy retired, his malice was a retired tide that left the city panting with a new life. The brothers observed how the spirits of the streets danced in the light, their whispers a soft applause that seemed to say: "Thank you." However, the whispers crumbled, hinting at the silent cities that still slept. Marcel knew that his trip was far from finishing, that the silent enemy had not been defeated, but had simply retired to lick his wounds. The brothers looked at each other, their hearts tied by the whispers of long souls. They would margar, the whispers of the streets their guide. They would fight in the shadows, their hearts a symphony that could not be contained. The silent cities lay before them, their spirits yearned for the touch of the brothers. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, the guardians of the surrealist. Their hearts were one with the streets, their whispers a declaration of war against shadows. They entered at night, the whispers of long souls a soft crib song that guided them forward. The silent cities called them a siren song that could not be resisted. Marcel felt the weight of his duty, the whispers of long souls a fire that burned inside his soul. He knew that the battle was eternal, that the silent enemy always sought to silence the absurd. However, it is comforted by knowing that while souls were heard, the brothers would be there to whisper their truths. The brothers moved through the streets, their eyes and ears in tune with the whispers that were strengthened with each mute city to which they approached. The buildings leaned down, their spirits eager to share their stories. The brothers listened, their hearts a living file of the tacit. The whispers became clearer, more urgent. The enemy had not left, simply taking off his time, waiting for the moment of weakness. The brothers knew that the surreal was a delicate balance, a dance on the edge of a knife that could easily tip the abyss of silence. They had become the city's immune system, always vigilant and ready to fight the shadows that threatened to wrap it once again. Marcel felt the whispers of the streets, his stories as a constant partner while patrolling the veins of the city. His fedora leaned down, watched the allies who had recruited, their hearts beat in time with the pulse of the city. They had become a network of whispers, a protection network that extended through each alley and via. Colette had transformed the archives into a living library of whispers, the pages of history flutter with the spirits of long souls. She listened to her stories, her pen a duct that gave life to her stories. The whispers were strengthened with each new ally, their voice is a testimony of the power of the surrealist. Henri's murals had become a headlights, their vibrant colors a statement from the soul of the city. His brushstrokes whispered the stories of freedom, painting the walls with the essence of the tacit. The people of the city had assumed their cause, their own art a tapestry that wove the whispers in the fabric of their lives. The actions of Sophie and Claude became bolder, their surreal acrobatics and melodies the call of a siren to the lost and the forgotten. His shows were not only entertainment but a shout of battle that resonated in the hearts of the people, inspiring them to hug the absurd, dance in the streets and laugh at the mundane. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. They knew that their fight was not only for the city, but for the whispers that lay latent in every corner of the earth. The silent cities called them, a symphony of uncalled stories that longed to be heard. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, a force that became more powerful with each mute city they released. The brothers had become more than Guardians; They were the champions of the absurd, the heralds of a world where the whispers of the streets were stronger than the cacophony of conformity. The whispers became stronger, a choir that could no longer be contained. The brothers looked at each other, their hearts swell with the symphony of the surrealist. They had found their purpose in the whispers of the streets, and together, they would appear to free the world from the worldly shackles. The brothers gathered their allies, a team of Dreamers and Rebels, their hearts with the whispers of long souls. They would not rest until each silent city was released, until the whispers of the streets resonated in every corner of the earth. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers of long souls a living flame that burned inside his palm. He whispered a promise to the city, to the world, a vote that they would never let the shadows win. The buildings bowed, their spirits a symphony in advance. The brothers entered the night, their whispers a soft breeze that carried the aroma of the rebellion. The silent cities lay before them, their hearts a siren song that became more insistent with each step. The brothers moved as one, their whispers a declaration of war against shadows. The battle was far from finishing, but they had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of a world where the absurd reigned. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. They had released the soul of the city, and now the streets of the world called them, their whispering a symphony that demanded to be heard. They moved during the night, the whispers of the long souls their guide light. The silent cities expected their release, and the brothers would not rest until each soul was free. Marcel's eyes recorded the horizon, the whispers within it a map to the next battlefield. He felt the pulse of the streets, a rhythm that was strengthened with each step. The brothers had become the beat of the surrealist, their whispers a living testimony of the power of the absurd. They approached the next mute city, their buildings hunched in the shadow of compliance, yearning for the touch of the brothers. Colette displayed his scrolls, the whispers of long souls are a plan to the soul of the city. Each line and curve held a whisper of rebellion, a secret that could not be silenced. She began to recite, her voice a soft breeze that seemed to convince the spirits of her rows. The buildings were stirred, their shadows extend as tendrils, reaching the light of the brothers. Henri's brush danced through the city walls, painting a mural of freedom that became brighter with each blow. The whispers became clearer, a symphony of colors that seemed to give life to the stones that was once prosecuted. The people of the city watched with amazement, their hearts opened at the beauty of the surrealist. They had been asleep for so long, their spirits chained by the chains of the mundane. Sophie and Claude's performance was a tacit symphony, a ballet of rebellion that seemed to shake the base of the mute city. His acrobatics challenged gravity, his music a whisper that grew to a roar. People gathered, their eyes light with the flames of curiosity. They had never seen something so beautiful, so strange, so completely absurd. The brothers moved like shadows, whispers a knife that cut through the dark. The enemy watched from the alleys, his malice was a palpable force. However, the hearts of the brothers were inflexible, their spirits are a storm that could not be contained. They had become the guardians of the surrealist, the protectors of the whispers that lay inactive in the streets. The heart of the silent city became stronger, a pulse that seemed to resonate through the fabric of reality. The buildings began to move, their spirits extended to the brothers, eager to share their stories. The whispers were strengthened, a crescendo that filled the air with the promise of a world where the absurd was the king. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, a force that became more powerful with each silent city to which they approached. He knew that his work was never done, that the shadows always sought to silence the whispers of the streets. However, he comforted himself to know that while there were brothers like them, the surrealist would never really die. The brothers stood at the city's doors, the whispers of long souls a choir that seemed to shake the ground under their feet. They had become the living incarnation of the surrealist, their hearts a lighthouse that could never be extinguished. The silent city lay before them, his soul a symphony that yearned to be heard. They whispered in unison, their voices a hurricane who crossed the shadows. The doors opened, revealing the true shape of the city, a tapestry of colors and shapes that challenged the description. The people of the city left their homes, with very open eyes of astonishment and fear. They had never seen so much beauty, so much madness. The brothers moved around the city, their whispers a soft rain that washed the dust of the mundane. The buildings sighed in relief, their spirits rose when the shackles fell. The mute city woke up, its heart a lighthouse of light that pierced the night. The whispers were strengthened, a symphony of freedom that resonated in the streets. Marcel looked at his brothers, his hearts tied by the whispers of long souls. They had established on this trip as Guardians, but they had become much more. They were the whispers of the streets, the champions of the absurd, the living proof that the surreal could not be silenced. The heart of the city swelled with the presence of the brothers, a declaration of war against shadows whispers. The enemy was powerful, his malice a force that could not be underestimated. However, the brothers remained firm, their hearts beat like one with the whispers of the streets. The buildings leaned down, their spirits whispered secrets that only the guardians could listen. Marcel felt that the whispers joined within him, his power is a living force that was strengthened with each silent soul they released. He knew that this battle was only the beginning, that silent cities would continue to call their release. The brothers had become the incarnation of the surrealist, their whispers a symphony that could not be silenced. Colette parchments fluttered in the wind, each page a testimony of the soul of the city. His whispers were strengthened, a lighthouse that pierced the darkness. The buildings around them began to move, their silent forms changing and changing, revealing the whispers of the long souls that had been trapped inside. The people of the city watched with amazement, their hearts open to the beauty of the absurd. The brothers worked in harmony, their whispers a storm that could not be contained. Henri painted the walls of the city with the colors of freedom, his brushstrokes a declaration of war. The buildings grew higher, their spirits reaching the heavens. The whispers became clearer, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the surrealist was celebrated. Marcel took a step forward, his whispers of a soft crib song that seemed to calm the furious spirits. The enemy retired, his shadows vanished in front of the unwavering resolution of the brothers. The city gave a sigh of relief, its streets are a living testimony of the power of the tacit. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. They had released the soul of the city, and now the whispers of the streets resonated in each alley and avenue. The silent cities called them, a symphony of hope that was strengthened with each victory. The brothers knew that their trip had just begun. The whispers became weaker as they advanced, hinting at the silent cities that still pain. However, they were not deterred, their hearts grown with the whispers of long souls. They had become the guardians of the absurd, the heralds of a world where the mundane could not maintain dominance. The mute city observed how the brothers approached, whisper a siren call that became more insistent with each step. The buildings stretched and yawn, their spirits anxious to share their secrets. The brothers listened to, their hearts a living file of the surrealist. Marcel felt the whispers within him, a force that became more powerful with each silent city they released. The brothers had become the champions of the streets, their whispers a declaration of war against the shadows that threatened to wrap the world. The brothers stood before the silent city, the whispers of long souls a soft breeze that whispered through their hearts. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of the absurd. The city waited, whispers a symphony in advance. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers of long souls a living flame that danced in his fingers. The buildings shuddered, their spirits struggled against chains in accordance. The brothers whispered in unison, their voices a storm that could not be silenced. The shadows retired, the whispers became stronger, a symphony of freedom that resonated in the streets of the city. The brothers had established on this trip as Guardians, but they had become much more. They were the whispers of the streets, the champions of the surrealist, their hearts always intertwined with the spirits of long souls. The silent cities lay before them, their hearts a siren song that became more insistent with each step. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes turned on with the whispers of the streets. They had found their purpose in tacit, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. They approached the doors of the city, their whispers are a soft blow that seemed echoed eternity. The doors trembled, their hinges groaning with the weight of the whispers that had been silenced for so long. The brothers had become the guardians of the absurdities, the heralds of a world where the whispers of the streets were stronger than the screams of conformity. They would margar, the whispers of long souls a soft breeze that guided them during the night. Each silent city to which they approached was a puzzle that hoped to be resolved, a symphony of whispers that yearn to be heard. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls turning around him, a maelstrom of hope and despair. The silent cities called him, his spirits trapped in the stony hug of the mundane. He knew that the battle ahead would be fierce, but the whispers of the streets had chosen them, and would not hesitate. The brothers moved as shadows, whispered a silent revolution that could not be contained. They painted the walls with the colors of freedom, their voices a symphony that became stronger with every day that passes. The people of the cities watched, their hearts stirred with the whispers of the surrealist. They had been asleep for so long, their spirits chained by the chains of normality. Marcel whispered to the soul of the city, his words a soft caress that seemed to convince the spirits of his dream. The buildings stretched and grew, their silent forms came alive with each whisper. The streets were a canvas on which Henri painted the vision of the brothers, a colored tapestry that sang the history of long souls. Colette's scrolls became thicker, each page a testimony of the whispers they had released. The brothers had become the living archive of the surrealist, their hearts are a sanctuary for the tacit. They had come out to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had found their own. The twins, Sophie and Claude, danced and sang, their performance is a declaration of war against shadows. The whispers became clearer, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the absurd was the king. People gathered, their eyes lit in amazement, while the brothers wove their rebellion tapestry. Marcel looked at his brothers, his hearts tied by the whispers of the streets. They had become more than Guardians; They were the whispers of the world, the champions of a silent revolution. The silent cities called them, a symphony of hope that was strengthened with every whisper they release. The brothers stood at the doors of the next silent city, the whispers of long souls a crescendo that seemed to shake the fabric of reality. They had become the incarnation of the surrealist, their hearts a lighthouse that could never be extinguished. The doors of the city groaned, their spirits struggled against the glands of the mundane. The brothers whispered in unison, their voices a hurricane who crossed the silence. The doors opened, revealing the true shape of the city, a kaleidoscope of shapes and colors that challenged understanding. The whispers became stronger, a choir that seemed to resonate through the very soul of the earth. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, a force that became more powerful with each city they released. He knew that the shadows would never really be defeated, that his work was eternal. However, it is comforted by knowing that while there were brothers like them, the whispers of the streets would never really die. The mute city woke up, whispers a symphony that filled the air. The brothers moved through the streets, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. People left their homes, with very open eyes of astonishment. They had never seen so much beauty, so much madness. Marcel whispered to the soul of the city, his words a soft breeze that seemed to convince the spirits of his stony prisons. The buildings grew higher, their spirits reaching the heavens. The whispers became clearer, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the tacit was celebrated. The heart of the city swelled, whispers a declaration of war against the shadows that had kept her captive for so long. The brothers had become the whispers of the streets, the champions of the absurd. They approached the doors of the city, their hearts put themselves in flames with the whispers of long souls. The battle was far from finishing, but they had found their purpose, their voice is a living testimony of the power of the surrealist. The silent cities observed, their whispers a symphony in advance. Marcel raised his hand, the whispers of long souls a living flame that danced in his fingers. The whispers of the brothers became a roar, a symphony that seemed to shake the foundations of the city. The buildings trembled, their spirits woke up when the compliance shackles began to move away. The air was electric with the energy of the surrealist, the whispers a lighthouse that could not be silenced. The soul of the city pressed on time with their hearts, a living tapestry of light and shadow. People watched with astonishment while the brothers painted the streets with their whispers, releasing the trapped spirits. The silent buildings became stronger, their whispers joined the brothers choir, a revolution of the tacit that could not be content. The brothers moved around the city, their whispers a soft rain that washed the dust of the mundane. The spirits were strengthened, their voices a crescendo that seemed to shake the same stars. The enemy observed from the shadows, his palpable fear. They had never faced that strength, a whisper unit that challenged their own existence. Marcel felt that the whispers joined within him, his power is a living force that was strengthened with each silent soul that they release. The brothers had become a storm that could not be contained, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. The city was his, a bastion of freedom in a world of shadows. They had come to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had discovered their own immortality. The whispers became clearer, a symphony of freedom that pierced the night. The silent city there was no longer, his heart, a lighthouse that called the brothers, a promise of endless whispers hoping to be heard. Marcel looked at his brothers, his eyes shone with the light of long souls. They had become the champions of the absurd, their hearts forever tied to the whispers of the streets. The brothers stood before the next silent city, the whispers of long souls a soft caress on their faces. The heart of the city was a whisper in advance, a silent symphony that became stronger with each step they took. The buildings bowed, eager to share their stories, to join the rebellion against the mundane. Marcel whispered to the soul of the city, his words are a key that unlocked the whispers of a thousand spirits. The buildings groaned and stretched, their silent forms come alive with each syllable. The brothers had become the guardians of the surrealist, their hearts a bastion of hope in a world of shadows. The brothers approached the doors of the city, their whispers a declaration of intention. They would not rest until each silent city was released, until the whispers of the streets were stronger than the screams of conformity. The doors trembled, their spirits yearned for the touch of the brothers. The city was a puzzle that expected to be resolved, a symphony of whispers that only they could hear. The battle for the soul of the city had just begun, but the brothers remained firm, their hearts grown with the whispers of long souls. They had become the incarnation of the surrealist, their whispers a storm that could not be silenced. The silent cities watched, their spirits whispered a symphony of hope, a call to weapons for the champions of the absurd. The brothers had become the whispers in the world, their hearts are a sanctuary for tacits. They had come out to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had found their own. The mute city waited, whispers a siren call that became more insistent with each moment that happened. The brothers knew that the way ahead was full of danger, but the whispers of long souls were their shield, their sword, their voice in the dark. The night was his canvas, the whispers of the streets his muse. They painted the city with the colors of freedom, their hearts beat in unison with the spirits they had released. The buildings became higher, their spirits reaching the light of the brothers, a symphony of rebellion that echoed the city's runners. The brothers had become the guardians of the absurdities, the heralds of a world where the whispers of the streets were the strongest voice. They would margar, the whispers of long souls are a soft guide through the shadows, until each silent city had released. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, his power was a living flame that could not be extinguished. The brothers had become the incarnation of the surrealist, their hearts the very essence of the whispers that they sought to protect. Colette's scrolls became thicker, each page a testimony of the whispers they had released. The brothers had become the living archive of the tacit, their hearts a bastion of hope in a world of shadows. They had come to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had discovered the power of their own whispers. The silent cities observed, their whispers of a siren that was strengthened with each soul they release. The twins, Sophie and Claude, danced through the streets, their movements a declaration of war against the mundane. The whispers became clearer, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the absurd was the king. People gathered, their hearts were flames with the whispers that they had never dared to speak. The brothers had become the champions of the surrealist, with their voices a lighthouse that could never be silenced. Marcel looked to the horizon, the whispers of long souls a soft buzz in his ears. The silent cities lay before them, their hearts a siren song that became more insistent with each victory. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts forever intertwined with the spirits of the streets. They marched forward, their whispers a storm that could not be contained, their hearts a symphony of rebellion that resonated in every corner of the city. The whispers became stronger, a choir that seemed to shake the heavens. The brothers had presented to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had freed themselves. The buildings stretched and yawn, their spirits anxious to share their secrets with the brothers who had come to free them. The streets were a river of whispers, a living archive of the surrealist that flowed through the hearts of the brothers. Marcel felt the whispers within him, a force that became more powerful with each city to which they approached. The brothers had become the guardians of the tacit, the champions of the absurd, and their search had just begun. While they moved through the mute city, the whispers became clearer, a symphony that filled the air with the promise of a world where the surrealist reigned supreme. People observed in amazement, their hearts stirred with the whispers of a freedom that they had never dared to dream. The brothers had become the living incarnation of hope, their whispers a soft rain that washed the dust of the mundane. Marcel turned to his brothers, his eyes light up with the whispers of the streets. They had become the champions of the unaudes, the heralds of a world where the whispers of long souls were held. The silent cities watched, their spirits whispered a symphony in advance. The brothers had found their purpose in the tacit, and together, they would march at night, freeing the spirits of each city they found. The whispers became stronger, a crescendo that seemed to shake the fabric of reality. The brothers had become the guardians of the absurd, their hearts a bastion of hope in a world of shadows. The night was his, the whispers of the streets his guide. They painted the city with the colors of freedom, every step of a declaration of war against forces of conformity. The buildings leaned down, their eager spirits to join the brothers's revolution. The silent cities called them, a symphony of whispers that became stronger with each soul they release. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts a lighthouse of light in the dark. They had come to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had discovered the true meaning of their existence. The brothers approached the heart of the city, the whispers of long souls a living force that seemed to join them. Marcel whispered to the soul of the city, his words a soft breeze that convinced the spirits of his silent dream. The buildings grew taller, their spirits reaching the touch of the brothers, their whispers bind to the choir that filled the air. The city was alive with the whispers of the surrealist, a symphony that seemed to press with the soul of the streets. People gathered, with very open eyes of astonishment, their hearts beat in time with the whispers of the brothers. They had become the guardians of the tacits, the champions of a revolution that did not know limits. The silent cities watched, their spirits whispered a symphony of hope. The brothers had presented to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had become the whispers of the world. Marcel felt the whispers within him, a power that was strengthened with each city they released. The brothers had become the living archive of the surrealist, their hearts a bastion of hope in a world that sought to silence the absurd. They had come to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had released their own hearts. The soul of the city pressed on time with its whispers, a declaration of war against the shadows that threatened to wrap the world. The brothers stood before the heart of the city, the whispers of long souls a symphony of freedom. They had become the heralds of the tacits, the guardians of a world that could never be contained by the chains of the mundane. The whispers became clearer, a call to weapons that resonated the streets. The silent city was yours to take, a canvas on which they would paint its legacy. The brothers whispered in unison, their voices a hurricane who seemed to shake the same stars. The heart of the city was beating strongly, whispers a declaration of war that could not be silenced. The spirits of the streets emerged, their voices joined the brothers in a crescendo that seemed to divide the sky. The silent city had become a bastion of the surrealist, a testimony of the power of the tacit. Marcel looked at his brothers, his hearts put themselves in flames with the whispers of long souls. They had become the champions of the absurd, their whispers a soft storm that could never be contained. The silent city observed, its buildings trembling in advance. The brothers had presented to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had discovered power within themselves. The whispers became clearer, a symphony of freedom that filled the air. The brothers moved as one, their voice a declaration of war against the shadows that had kept the city captive. The buildings stretched and groaned, their spirits struggled against chains in compliance. Marcel felt the whispers of long souls inside him, a force that became more powerful with each silent city to which they approached. The night was his, the whispers of the streets his ally. They danced through the alleys, every step of a whisper of rebellion. People watched from the shadows, their hearts stirred with the whispers of a freedom they had never met. The brothers had become the living incarnation of hope, their hearts the very essence of the surrealist. The brothers had presented to free the spirits of the streets, and in doing so, they had put the world on fire with the whispers of the surrealist. The silent cities called them, a symphony of anticipation that became stronger with each victory. Marcel knew that the battle was far from finishing, but with his brothers by his side, he was ready to face whatever it was. The whispers became softer, a soft cradle song that promised a world where the absurd was the king. The brothers had become the whispers of the world, their hearts forever intertwined with the spirits of the streets. The night was long, but the whispers of long souls were eternal.
By Carlos del Puente relatos